The problem with this analysis is that ignores the other side of the coin, which is nett immigration.

Any fertility decline in the aboriginal population is more than compensated for by the immigration of Gurkhas, Hong Kongers, Ukrainians, Europeans with a post-Brexit right of residency, and any other waif and stray who simply overstays his visa (if he even bothers with that). Anyone who uses the London buses will be aware of the huge number of people not speaking English. Some 40% of the population of London is supposed not to have been born in the UK. Immigration adds to the pressure on hospitals, schools, and the health service, which must in turn be funded out of general taxation - and that is borne most heavily by those already invested in society.

For a generation now, both the cost of living and quality of life measures have been declining so as actively to discriminate against the native population's fertility.

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Lack of housing? Nothing to do with the 10-15million extra people added here in the last 20 years - the biggest mass migration in history (thanks Blair and the New Conservatives)?

No places in schools? NHS broken?

Might be a clue?

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Very good. How on earth do we resolve the housing problem? There just don't seem to be enough creative solutions that recognise there's always going to be planning objections and local communities to consider.

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The problems are correct, however the solutions are not.

Most importantly we have to think in material terms, not in monetary terms. Once you do that you realise that pensions are always a current production issue - its the amount of today's output reserved for those no longer in the production process. What that tells us is that we can't really save for a pension. Breaking out the old trope that National Insurance is just a tax, tells us nothing new. It is just a tax and always has been.

You can no more save for a pension than you can put on a jumper in August to save heat for January. It's all an illusion.

The problem the UK has is its lack of productivity. To serve an ageing population we need the remaining population to do more with less - or we have to reduce the number of people that are old by working longer, or by importing young people.

Since we don't have enough houses for who we have, and no available land area to build the millions we would need to satisfy the import idea, then we need to focus on productivity, or slaving for longer.

The big question is do we want to turn the country into one big city - Tokyo style with everybody living in cupboards and having to import our food and energy (which means merging the UK permanently with a food/energy producer on the continent), or do we change the approach so our Island nation can flourish.

That means getting business to go where the people are, rather than the other way around.

We need a persistent push out to the regions. Which will require significant and permanent government intervention to reverse the private sector desire to create a gravity well in the City Of London that sucks everybody and anybody into it.

Young people need a Job to go to, a Home to live in and a Pension to look forward to. It starts with a job where they live. We shouldn't be judging the success of this society by how far you have to move from your family to get a job. Do that and the family unit solves the childcare issue.

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